Monday, March 31, 2008

Master's Project in Civic Journalism

This site is not my project. It is a way of journalizing the journalism that is my project. I'm finding insight and discovery in the process, but I'd also appreciate feedback. So, feel free to contribute, once I get some content on this site. 

Timeline to Completion

July 1 Revised proposal back to Cathy
July 6 Proposal to committee
July 11 Defend proposal
July 15 Submit proposal to IRB
July 30 Approval from IRB
Aug. Conduct focus groups/interviews/surveys
Sept. Write project paper
Oct. 1 Project paper to Cathy
Oct. 10 Publish website (not publicly)
Oct. 15 Project paper to committee
Nov. 1 Defend project to committee
Nov. 5 Launch website publicly with media campaign
Dec. 1 Requirements for graduation complete